Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to connect with the viewer in fashion photography

Like in all types of advertising, fashion is all about catching people’s attention.
 It is all about giving the viewer a feeling or thought that makes them remember the image long after it has passed them by.

There are two major methods of how to make this possible. One is to give us a clear idea exactly what is happening in the image and make us feel some kind of connection. One example of this is the Kate Spade campaign “Visiting Tennesse” photographed by Larry Sultan.

"Visiting Tennesse" Larry Sultan

In these series of images, Sultan creates a fictional narrative about a family that goes to New York and visits their daughter. He is using a very familiar theme that is simply a family going on holiday; it is showing the “American ideal” on how a family should be. In the images the people are interacting with each other in a fun, caring way. This is a way of simply taking something that is recognizable to most of us and allows us to have a glimpse into these peoples lives. It has no beginning or no end, but we do feel something when we look at these images because it has something familiar that we, as viewers can connect with. In each of these images they have different clothes and even though “the clothing becomes secondary to the story that is unfolding,” (Clifford n.d p1) the way we are connecting with the characters gives us an idea of the fashion without realizing it is there.

 Cuba Libre, Philip-Lorca Di Corcia

The other, more successful way to get the viewers attention is to use the technique of mystique that raises questions in people’s heads. Philip-Lorca Di Corcia is using this idea of creating a mysterious story plot in many of his works and one example is the series: “Cuba Libre,” which was published in “W” magazine in the year 2000.  All we see is this woman in different locations and different styles, and we are very much intrigued by this character even though we know nothing about her. “In each image she is wearing a set of clothing, and she might be lovely while wearing said outfit, but at least this viewer is much more focused on what might be occurring in each frame” (Clifford n.d p2)

 Cuba Libre, Philip-Lorca Di Corcia

Why this is more successful then the narrative way Sultan is using, is because when we look at these images we have to question what is happening and makes us want to dig deeper. Which  means that we think more about what the people are wearing as well. “The viewer must look for the plot as well as the clothes, to buy a dream, a story, an attitude, a mood and a dress” (Stevens 2004)


Clifford, E n.d New aspect of narrative being used in photography, viewed 25 August 2012

Stevens,M 2004 Mirror Images, viewed 26 August 2012

Philip-Lorca Di Corcia 2000, image, viewed 25 August 2012

New aspect of narrative being used in photography, n.d, image, viewed 25 August 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fashion & Art


When looking up the word 'art' in a dictionary the definition is:
"the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles,  
of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance." 

What particular defines fashion is something that is more then ordinary and most of the time also beautiful.
However the question is still asked and discussed if fashion is in fact art, even though there are many examples that clearly proves that it is.

 When Yves Saint Laurent was the first designer ever having his work displayed in an art museum (1983) it should have been the beginning of a time when fashion would be recognized as an art form.
However it was the first and last time this ever happened at that art museum which was "The met" in New York. 

26 years later some of Saint Laurent’s work was planned to be displayed again, this time, at  “The Grand Palais” in Paris.  The thing was that his work was placed under a heading that said “Glamour” instead of being considered as an art piece. Even though it was a portrait made by a man that is considered to be an artist it was not to be considered as art since the piece represented more fashion then anything else.

Saint Laurent is a designer that has been influenced by great artists like Van Gogh and Henri Matisse, which you can see in some of his dresses,
One example is his jacket which is inspired by Van Gogh’s work “sunflowers”. 

He is using art that is very close to him and the that way he is using paintings as an inspiration should be considered as an artistic collaboration. 
These garments is a proof of how they are not just a clothing, they are created from an idea or concept, and the designer who had made these garments, is an artist.

Saint Laurent's collection which was made with inspirations from all the great painters like Matisse and Picasso was sold for more then 200 millions, and this was not because someone wanted to wear these clothes, they were sold because they were a artistic masterpiece made by a real artist.
So what would be the different between this and a famous painter ?
why would Saint Laurent's sewing needle be any less significant than Picassos painting brush?
If art is something that is to be considered as something beautiful that can open people's mind, then there is nothing more like art as fashion. 

Postrel, K"Fashion as Art" viewed 11th August 2012
Sheldon,B "The artful inspirations of Yves Saint Laurent", viewed 12th August 2012
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